haha. shocked huh??
hmm hmm we GIRLS could actually do something like that.
U know, chea yuen sweated alot than the 6 of us !
we were like taking books like maniacs. each pile could weigh up a..... 5 kg?
to make work a LOT EASIER .... we tried a lot of ideas
1. each person take 2 piles. (10kg) my hand !
2. stand in a row by row.... pass down the books in a "systematic" way
3. put a big big long wood to let the books slide down
Idea 3 could have worked. and less ppl will sweat. but we all got sweat. and the WOOD..... is not long and steady enough. TT^TT
from 4.30----- 6.30 imagine that !
but we couldnt manage to do that all by OURSELVES.
Miss LiLi Lim called upon the STUDENT BODY to help us all.
SO, in the end, we were like standing in book heaven with lots of people helping us along. haha thanks !! K1I !!!
hahah without them. i m still in school helping the books.
with those ppl helping, we work more faster
=DDD CHEESE !! thanks guys !!!